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It's Big Dream

It's time for me to make new beautiful memories, I met him, know about him, he work hard. I like the way his eyes look at me, I like when I tell him to smile and he smile on me. I don’t know what will the future bring us. I just want to enjoy my time with him, I just want to describe his hobby, his spirit, his motivation that’s all comes to me as like fire to wake me up for become more better person.
I ask him to understand me, and he say “I will” and I think that part is the most romantic moment comes into my life for this year. He told me about his  motto “No Pain No Gain”, Yes I remind in my head and my heart that sentence, how beautiful and powerful this feeling, how exited when the first time I see his eyes, even we not exactly meet, it’s just from phone, yeah it’s distance between us, beautiful distance.
And all of my heart I give it back to All Mighty Allah, because I really trust Allah, Allah know what the best for me and of course for him.
I am only human, that there always hope deep inside of my heart that dream to live life with him till we grow older, it’s simple to have big dream like that, right now I just want become better person for my future husband.
Don’t close your eyes, take my hand, let’s walk together, reach your dream and let’s success together. “A”  


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